Hello there, this is a breif introduction of myself.

I’m a graduate in Computer Science and Mathematics from the Australian National University. After my graduation at december 2022, I started my career as a research assistant at QuantEcon under the supervision of Professor John Stachurski. (This neat website was built and lauched by me :D)

After serving as one of the lead developers at QuantEcon for a year, I left the organization. Following several months of hard work, I started an internship as a full-stack developer at Capability Wise, gaining valuable experience in a commercial IT firm.

Currently, I’m based in Canberra and seeking new opportunities in the local IT industry. My skill set focuses on data engineering and machine learning, though I’m also capable of handling beginner-level software development tasks. You can find my CV here.

Apart from the serious talks, I’m creative and adventurous in life. My two favorite but dangerous hobbies are riding motorbikes and skiing (love my CBR500R). I also love exploring this land on 4 wheels, the longest single trip was a 2600km trip from Melbourne to Canberra via Adeleide and Wagga Wagga.


Hengcheng Zhang

My own website